Friday, November 13, 2015

The Art of Cooking

FALL 2015



          I love to cook. Some may disagree but, to me, cooking is an art form. It is more than preparing a meal to eat per se. It is the creation of a product, a meal, from myriad parts, ingredients, that do not in anyway resemble the final product in the end. This is in line with the cliché, the sum, the meal, of the parts, the ingredients, do not make the whole.
            My final project for this Fall 2015 IDT 516 course then is to design, develop, and deliver a learning activity on how to prepare and cook a salmon meal. This will be a collaborative learning activity that incorporates the wiki, webtool, PBworks. Since, I have used this webtool  in my collaborative learning group assignment in Module 4, I appreciate its appropriateness to the design, development, and delivery of this collaborative learning activity. Importantly, it not only facilitates real time communication between group members but also the uploading of instructional videos, photos, and other information that would be extremely relevant to this learning activity.
            Some may question my choice of learning activity. Others may wonder what it has to do with IDT. And, there are some who may also want to know what it has to do with my chosen track, Higher Education. In my view, it is as relevant as other learning or training activities. At Western Illinois University, there is the Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality (DFMH) and it offers four undergraduate degree programs with two being a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Foodservice Management. Therefore, preparing meals is one of their learning activities. This, I know for a fact since I participated in one of their open house collaborative learning activities on how to prepare and cook various meals. It is this lasting experience that has provided the inspiration for me to choose this collaborative learning activity to design, develop, and deliver.


  1. Joan, I see nothing wrong with your choice of learning activity. Seeing that I am definitely NOT a gourmet cook, I'm looking forward to broadening my culinary skills!

    1. Hi Tammy

      Very encouraging words. I know you always have my back.


  2. Joan, I think this is GREAT! Also, I completely agree with you that cooking is an art. I find your idea for this assignment very creative and I'm looking forward to reading more as you progress through the creation and delivery of this activity. This seems like a refreshingly different approach to a cooking class!

    1. Hi Sara

      Thanks for your support. Much appreciated.


  3. Hi Joan,

    I think your topic is great! I've actually considered taking one of open houses, and I'm glad that it is insightful. What is your audience going to be? I'm assuming adults, but I think a focus of college students would be interesting, as most could benefit from some simple cooking skills. =)

    1. My audience comprises of traditional and non-traditional students.

  4. I think a wiki is a great tool for this type of project because it allows you to add text, graphics, and video as needed. It will be interesting to see how your users actually use the tool: that is, a wiki implies that participants will be able to do more than just read the pages, but also contribute.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a great idea. I know I use You tube to learn all kinds of things from cooking to art demonstrations.Video production is ambitious. Good luck with yor project.
